Statement of Intent

Through my coursework I am going to incorporate media language into my music video and use the codes and conventions of a dance music video and artist website, to construct my star image.

My narrative is about an abusive relationship, where a woman showing her journey of her escaping the abuse, but eventually facing her downfall when she can’t escape. The locations will be done a lot in constructed studios, to show the perfection she feels like she should feel in the relationship, but this will juxtapose with some harsher settings. The clothing will be very modern and fashionable, but use somber colours and which contrast with vibrant colours during the chorus and happier parts.

Media language will help to fit my video into the dance genre, making use of a lot of fast paced edits during my narrative, and aesthetically appealing edited colours.  I will be utilising props to create ideas about femininity and romance, with classic love films and backgrounds of roses. I’m using a plethora of close ups to depict the pure emotion the character feels.

Through this, I will sculpt the representation of my characters. The protagonist will be portrayed as weak and defeated, but is seen breaking free and subverting her femininity to change her happiness.The antagonist is the hands, and this genderless character is shown as relentless and sadistic. Having a second character that you don’t see, uses the same idea as in Sunmi - Gashina which I wrote about in my research.

My audience will be 17-25 year olds who are leading the way right now with changes for equality. The majority of the demographic is female, and the artist focuses on empowerment and focusing on real life problems which she can raise awareness to, but the other character in the video (represented by black hands) is seen as genderless, helping the video be relatable to everyone. Therefore the artist image is a politically and culturally aware singer, and this will be furthered by a charity page on my website.

The intertextuality between my website and music video is through the bright blue hues used throughout, and main photos off of the website are graphic matches of shots in the chorus of my video.

The dance act will be under Universal and they produce, distribute and promote all of their own work so my production will be vertically integrated, with all roles being done through the agency rather than private companies.

The conventions of dance music are usually showing cheery scenes, often with parties and clubbing as that is where the songs are usually played. I will be subverting this by making the majority of my music very melancholy. The protagonist will not be surrounded by friends in a club for the happier parts of the video, and instead focuses on herself and her confidence.

Overall, I hope to create a very unique video for the dance genre, by combining different colour schemes and a complex metaphorical narrative that will provide a sad but thoughtful story surrounding dance. My video will compliment the song perfectly, matching with the feelings and themes the song presents in the lyrics. My website will show a calmer side to the artist, whilst still having links to the video and promoting her star image.


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